Stay law compliant by setting up your corporate account!

Create your Zip FoodHandler account and start managing your employees' training in minutes!

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Zip FoodHandler’s Corporate Account

Corporate Account offers an easy way to obtain your employees ANAB accredited food handler training certificate at a special price discount.

Whether you are responsible for a single location, large corporation, school, institution or chain franchise, an Zip FoodHandler Corporate Account helps you manage the training of your staff quickly and easily.


Based on 234 reviews
See some of the reviews here.

Our courses and exams are available in English and Spanish.

With a Corporate Account you’ll be able to


You’ll receive a discounted rate for your business


You will get a specialized page that you can share with your employees for quick checkout


Maintain an online record of employees’ food handler training and verify food handlers cards


Ensure that your business complies with your state-specific food handler training requirements

Course Content

Watch the first lesson below !

Zip Food Handler Card Introduction
Chapter 1 - Understanding food borne illnesses
Chapter 2 - Maintaining good personal hygiene
Chapter 3 - Keeping food from contamination
Chapter 4 - Storing and preparing food safely
Chapter 5 - Controlling food temperature
Chapter 6 - Understanding food allergies
Final Assessment
People also ask
We're here to help you with anything and everything on Zip Food Handler. Find the answers to all of our most frequently asked questions.
+ - Who needs a food handler card?
Most food handlers at retail food establishments are required to complete food safety training within 30 days of employment. A food handler is any food service employee who works with unpackaged food, utensils or food equipment, or surfaces that come in contact with food.

You may need a food handler card if you work as a:

  • Cook or chef
  • Bartender or bar back
  • Busser
  • Server or wait staff member
  • Host or hostess
  • Dishwasher
  • Caterer
  • Baker or pastry chef

Food safety training requirements can vary depending on your job and your county of employment, so it's important to ask your employer about its specific training requirements.

+ - How long is my food handler certificate good for?
Our ANAB-accredited food handler certificate is good for three years. However, we always recommend checking your state/local regulations for specific renewal requirements.
+ - What happens if I fail the final exam?
We give you two chances to pass the final exam. If you fail after the second time, you will need to retake the course before you can try again. 
+ - How quickly will I get my certificate of completion?
Once you finish your course and pass any required exams, you can print your certificate of completion right away.
+ - What can I do if I lose my certificate of completion?
If you lose your certificate of completion and need a new one, you can contact customer service
+ - Who is considered a food handler?
A food handler is anyone involved in the preparation, storage or service of food in a food facility. This includes those working in positions such as wait staff, chefs, head cooks, cooks, bussers, bartenders, host/hostesses that handle food, beverage pourers (including alcoholic beverage pourers), and supervisory personnel, such as the general manager or managers. All food employees will need to have a currently valid food handler certificate.
+ - Is the Food Handler course an ANAB accredited program?
Yes, the Food Handlers Course has been accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board.
+ - Is this course offered in Spanish?
Yes, the Zip Food Handler course is offered in Spanish. El curso de servir comida segura de Zip tambien esta en espanol.
+ - Do I need a Food Handler Certificate if I sell baked goods from my home?
Yes, in most states you are considered a cottage food operator. Anyone who operates a cottage food production operation is required to complete an ANSI approved Food Handler program.
+ - Where can I find my completed Food Handler Certificate?
You can login at any time to view and download your Food Handlers certificate.
+ - Where can I take your Zip Food Handler Program?
You can register and complete our food handler course from any cell phone, tablet or computer.
+ - What will I receive to indicate that I've completed training through an accredited ANAB program?
You can download a Food Handler Certificate that is valid for 3 years after completion of our program.
+ - How long is my food handler card or certificate valid?
The Zip Food Handler certificate is valid for 3 years after being issued. The issue date will be listed on the certificate.
+ - Is a Food Handler Certificate the same as a Food Safety Card?
Yes, a Food Handler Certificate is the same as a Food Safety Certificate, Food Handler Card, or Food Handling Card.
+ - CA: Are San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego Counties included in this course?
No, this course is not valid in San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego counties.

ANAB Accredited

ANAB certification follows ANAB as well as ISO/IEC Standard. For organizations aiming for global expansion or to add some extra credibility, accreditation to an international standard is of great significance. Food service businesses operating within the United States of America, require the compliance with ANAB to facilitate government recognition. With the ANAB certification, food service business owners can ensure food safety in their establishments and food protection from incorrect food handlers.